Paris Climate Agreement Non Members

The Paris Climate Agreement is an international agreement designed to combat climate change. It was signed by 197 parties, including 189 countries, as well as the European Union. The agreement aims to limit the increase in global average temperatures to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The Paris Climate Agreement has been widely regarded as a crucial step in the global effort to combat climate change.

However, not all countries have signed or ratified the Paris Climate Agreement. Some countries have chosen to remain non-members, while others have expressed their intention to withdraw from the agreement. Here is a closer look at some of the non-member countries and their stance on the Paris Climate Agreement.

United States

The United States, under the Trump administration, announced in 2017 that it would withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. President Trump cited concerns that the agreement would hurt the US economy and that it was unfair to American workers and businesses. However, President Biden has since taken office, and the United States has rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement in 2021. The US is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases globally and has a significant role to play in combating climate change.


Russia signed the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016 but has not yet ratified it. The country has been criticized for not doing enough to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and has been accused of obstructing climate negotiations. Russia’s economy heavily depends on fossil fuels, and the country has shown little interest in transitioning to cleaner energy sources.


Iran signed the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016 but has not yet ratified it. The country has been focusing on increasing its oil and gas production and has been slow to adopt climate policies. Sanctions imposed on Iran by the US have also hindered the country`s efforts to combat climate change.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia signed the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016 but has not yet ratified it. The country is the largest oil exporter globally and has been accused of obstructing efforts to combat climate change. Saudi Arabia has been criticized for promoting the continued use of fossil fuels and for not doing enough to transition to renewable energy.


While the Paris Climate Agreement is widely regarded as a crucial step in combating climate change, not all countries have signed or ratified it. Some non-member countries, such as the United States, have expressed their intention to rejoin the agreement, while others, such as Russia and Saudi Arabia, have been accused of obstructing efforts to combat climate change. It is essential to have a united global effort to combat climate change and to transition to cleaner energy sources to ensure a sustainable future for our planet.

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